
At the heart of this revolutionary game is our WooshBat, a status-quo busting invention named for its unique sound when swung. With WooshBat in hand, every swinger turns into a hitter. We call it the Great Equalizer … because if everyone can feel included AND have success, fun is unavoidable.
What makes it so revolutionary?

The WooshBat is designed with a wide, hollow barrel and high-tension strings making it lighter and easier to swing than an aluminum or wooden bat. With 200 square inches of surface area, the WooshBat boasts 2-3 times more hitting potential. Whether using plastic, foam, or air-filled balls, they all fly further when springing off the WooshBat.

Unlike cheap and breakable toy plastic or foam bats that end up in landfills, but at a fraction of the price of high-end equipment, our hybrid WooshBat comes with a warranty and quality guarantee. With 2 different sizes, the WooshBat is versatile for youth and adult players and will thrive in recreational and competitive settings. What’s more, the bat can easily transition between indoor and outdoor play depending on the type of ball you use – whether you’re playing in a gymnasium, your backyard, or hosting a homerun derby, there is no playing field that WooshBat can’t go!

Make It Your Own

WooshBat is completely customizable so you can enhance and personalize your game experience by paying to build a bat — customizing with colors, skins, logos, and other upgrades. There is no other bat on the market that comes with this kind of unlimited creative possibility.

Look At The Numbers

We can’t be all talk and no show. We’ve got real numbers to back up the bat’s performance capabilities. Using a professional simulator, highschool hitters achieved exit velocities of over 100 mph and distances of 400+ feet! These kind of numbers are inconceivable for any other recreational bat on the market.




WooshBall Empowering Women Globally - ESPM students playing Wooshball at Bradley University

Wooshball Played at Bradley’s Empowering Women Globally Event

Partipicants engaged in a lively game of WooshBall, a unique sport blending elements of baseball and softball. Designed for inclusivity and teamwork, the game provided an exciting opportunity for participants to bond, collaborate, and enjoy a new athletic experience while strengthening their connections.

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WooshBat conceptual image with banner for patent pending 29/929,986
Game Changer


Perfect for indoor or outdoor play, the WooshBat promotes active, fun-filled competition, emphasizing teamwork and creativity.

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WooshBall: A New Way to Play Pop-up Event!

Younge Park, Rochester, MN

We will have our WooshBats, WooshBalls, and more ready for you to experience firsthand. This event is for ALL ages- so bring the whole family out!

Missing a Color?

If you didn’t see the color you were looking for, drop us a note. We are always looking to add colors and combinations to our line-up of WooshBats.

Want to invest in WooshBall?

Fill in the form below to let us know how we can get you started with WooshBall.

Want to schedule a Demo?

Fill in the form below to let us know how we can get you started with WooshBall.

Send Us Your Inquiries

Fill in the form below to let us know how we can get you started with WooshBall.